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The Monkey D. Family

The Monkey D family are known for their impacts in the world ( the One Piece World ). Luffy is a wanted pirate, who has challenged the World Government, injured a Celestial Dragon ( Celestial Dragons are the World Nobles like King of Kings )

Monkey D. Luffy / Strawhat Luffy

Luffy's father is Monkey D Dragon, another enemy of the World Government ( his bounty has not be revealed yet ), he is the leader of the revolutionaries , he is against the World Government ( like I mean... He is leading the revolution, why would he be friendly with them? )

Monkey D. Dragon / Dragon The Revolutionary

Monkey D. Dragon's Father ( Luffy's and Ace's adopted Grandfather ) Works for the marines, he is known as the 'Hero Of The Marines', he is the former Vice Admiral ( he is now currently training the new recruits )

Monkey D. Garp / Garp The Hero

Now Luffy's 'brothers' aren't really his brothers, Sabo, Ace and Luffy all exchanged cups of Sake and became brothers. They grew up together but sadly Sabo 'died' in a fire, whilst Ace died years later in the War between Whitebeard Pirates and the Marines. The A(ce)S(abo)L(uffy) gang would go into the jungle and kill beasts to take the the mountain bandits for dinner. Dadan and the mountain bandits were like family to the ASL gang.

Younger versions of ASL
Older versions ASL


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